Children’s Ministry

“But Jesus said, “let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” - Matthew 19:14

Welcome to our Kidmin Farm! Join us in God’s Garden where we strive to provide a safe and fun environment for your children to learn and grow in God’s Word! Our teachers are hand-picked to work specifically with children and have a heart for Gods true word! We have classes for all age groups during our Sunday School hour, Children’s Church time during Sunday AM Service and Wednesday Night bible study. Our Children are our future and we strive to teach them Just how important they are in the kingdom of God!

Each year we have a calendar full of fun learning and celebrating our Awesome Lord!

- Join us in the Spring to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior

- Join us in the Summer for VBS (Vacation Bible School) a week FILLED with fun and God’s Word.

- Join us in the Fall for a family festival celebrating our thankfulness to our Provider

- Join us in the Winter for a Christmas Birthday Performance to our King!

other events and activities happen throughout the year and are shared on our private Kidmin social media account. Please come join our family of believers to learn more!


CHURCH GARDEN AND PRODUCE STAND- our children plant, help maintain and harvest our church garden with the help and support from our Wonderful church family! Drive by or stop by our church to see their progress each spring and summer! Join us during AM services in the spring and summer months where the Children also offer a free produce stand of freshly gathered harvest from the church garden.

SHARING CLOSET - born from a passion for sharing, our children have created and maintain a church sharing “shop” with clothing, school supplies and household items for members to share FREE with anyone who walks through our doors! ALL are welcome to donate or pick out items in our sharing shop - if you have questions or would like to shop please join us for service on Sundays or Wednesdays during church service hours.

FOOD PANTRY - our children help maintain and organize a non-perishable food pantry to use to stock our blessing box out front of our church as well as to create food baskets as needed. IF you are willing to donate non-perishable foods, toiletries, or cleaning supplies - Please see a Children’s Ministry staff member.